AABC: America's most comprehensive birth center resource

AABC State Chapters

AABC ChaptersAABC is proud to bring you chapters!

AABC chapters are designed to give you strength at the state and/or regional level, whether you are working on licensure laws, certificate of need issues, or anything else at the state level.

Ready to start a state/region chapter?
  1. This informational handout walks you through the benefits of organizing by state, the resources and support you can expect from AABC, and the nuts and bolts of establishing a chapter.

  2. View this checklist for detailed steps and information on establishing a state chapter.

  3. Submit this letter of intent to receive application materials.

Questions? Contact us for more information at aabc@birthcenters.org or 215.234.8068.

Current AABC Chapters

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Minnesota
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Washington