Community Birth Assistant Training

Course Faculty

Rosanne Gephart

Rosanne Gephart, CNM, NP, IBCLC

Rosanne is a Masters prepared nurse-midwife, nurse practitioner and lactation consultant. She has worked in birth centers, homes, and hospitals for the last 41 years. She has extensive teaching experience and has developed programs for non-licensed personnel for the last 25 years. Rosanne believes that birth outside of the hospital is safe for low-risk women when the attendants are well prepared, regularly practiced, and have the proper equipment.

Barbara Norton

Barbara Norton, CNM, WHCNP, MSN, CNS

Barbara is the owner of Geneva Woods Birth Center in Anchorage, Alaska.  She has been a Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner since 1985, a midwife since 1994 practicing in the hospital, and a birth center midwife since 1997.  She served on the Alaska Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives for six years and worked collaboratively with CDMs since 1997. She believes that the best birth assistants are the ones who love to see women and childbearing people empowered by their births and who have a passion for serving others.