Community Birth Assistant Training

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites to taking the training? 

Check with your state to understand its requirements for birth assistants.

How long does it take to complete the training?

This is a self-paced learning format. You have 6 months of access to the course.  Some learners complete the course in as little as six weeks.

When does access begin?

From the time of your enrollment.

Are there additional fees?

When the online course is complete and you are ready to have your skills assessed by the AABC skills faculty, you will be invoiced $150 for the skills assessment.

Is it possible for a home birth midwife with whom I already collaborate with as a doula to mentor me?

Absolutely! The course mentors are available by e-mail throughout the process, and you are encouraged to have your own to practice the learned skills prior to the skills evaluation .

Is the program online only?

This is a hybrid program.  The first part is an online portion with modules, tests, evaluations and a final exam.  The second part is a skills evaluation which takes place in person.  You will track all of your progress in the online course.

How does the skills evaluation work?
  • Once you have taken the final exam in the online course, you are eligible for your skills evaluation or assessment.  
  • When you are ready for the skills assessment, we will match you with an AABC approved Skills Assessment Instructor. Only approved faculty can conduct the skills assessment. 
  • Depending on where you live, you may need to travel to a site to complete your skills assessment. You will be required to make the arrangements and incur expenses to travel to whichever location is closest to you.
Are there AABC Skills Faculty in every state?

No. We are currently growing the number of approved Skills Assessment Instructors to accommodate the program growth to every state.

Does AABC place students at sites?

No. We strongly advise prospective learners to know their community and region, and connect with a community birth center as a volunteer or staff to gain real-life experience, and practice skills learned in the course.

Does AABC guarantee employment after the training?

AABC does not place learners in an employee role during or after completion. It is up to the learner to find a birth center for which they want to work. Every state's regulations for birth centers and the midwifery model of care are different. Know your state well to know your options to become gainfully employed.

Do you require birth observations?

Birth observations are not required to complete the program.  There is an optional Case Studies module in the curriculum that provides you with review forms and skills log worksheet for births you attend. 

Have additional questions?

Contact AABC at 215.234.8068 or