IRC Office Hours
Monthly Sessions for AABC Members
Connect with AABC Industry Relations Committee (IRC) leaders monthly for discussions on navigating the complexities of billing and reimbursement. As always, the sessions offer insights into AABC resources, contracting and payment tools, and a chance to brainstorm solutions for your specific challenges.
IRC Office Hours sessions are an exclusive benefit for AABC members. Registration is required.
Not yet an AABC Member? Join today!
Upcoming IRC Office Hours
Projections - Predicting Revenue with Uncertain Reimbursements
How can you accurately forecast revenue 9 months out when insurance reimbursements are unpredictable? Join us as we explore strategies for calculating your full umbrella fee, AP and IP transfers, and what to expect from payers—regardless of delivery outcomes.
Industry Relations Committee (IRC) members will be on hand to answer your questions and brainstorm solutions together.
Past IRC Office Hours Presentations
Occasionally, IRC Office Hours presentations are recorded. AABC members can access available recordings here.
A Look at Birth Center Closures
Presented live on January 25, 2025
In this presentation, Industry Relations Committee leader Laura Wiegand and AABC Executive Director, Kate Bauer, explore the issue of birth center closures, comparing them to small business survival and failure rates. Compared to other industries, the birth center survival rate is better than most.