Call to Action

Ask your legislators to co-sponsor these 3 bills to improve maternal health.

BABIES Act (S.5262)

This bill would help support new and existing birth centers in areas of need.

  1. Will establish a demonstration of a prospective payment model for the birth center facility and professional services for Medicaid clients. These birth centers would be located in areas with existing disparities of access and outcomes and would help address the challenges of maternity care deserts.  The bill will help birth centers in vulnerable areas to become sustainable.
  2. An additional new provision of the BABIES Act would expand access to birth centers by providing grants administered by HRSA for start-up funding for birth centers. This funding could be used toward costs for renovation or construction of buildings, equipment purchase, or costs related to accreditation or licensure.

Ask your Senators to sign on to the BABIES Act, S 5262 and co-sponsor this bill!

ACT NOW to Support the BABIES Act

Midwives for MOMS Act (H.R. 3768/S. 1851)

This bill would increase access to evidence-based and culturally congruent maternity care as provided by Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs), Certified Midwives (CMs), and Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) by establishing

Two new funding streams for midwifery education:

  1. One in the Title VII Health Professions Training Programs, and
  2. One in the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs. Additionally, the bill will address the significant lack of diversity in the maternity care workforce by prioritizing students from minority or disadvantaged backgrounds.

Ask your Representative and your Senators to sign on as co-sponsors of the Midwives for MOMS Act, HR 3768/S. 1851.

ACT NOW to support the Midwives for MOMS Act

Midwives for Service Members Act. (H.R. 9335)

This bill would direct the Secretary of Defense to conduct a pilot program to provide services from midwives to covered beneficiaries under the TRICARE program.

The result would be to increase access to maternity care for servicemembers and their spouses by extending TRICARE coverage to additional midwives through a 5- year pilot program. Adding Certified Professional Midwives and Certified Midwives as authorized providers will increase access to birth centers and midwifery care.

  1.  As hospitals on military bases close their maternity units, TRICARE beneficiaries must find their own providers for care. Active duty and spouses may have to drive long distances just to access prenatal and pregnancy care services.
  2. Midwives and birth centers have been shown by multiple studies, including CMS-funded Strong Start to improve the health of mothers and babies, increase patient satisfaction, and lead to cost savings.
  3. Currently, only CNMs can be authorized providers under TRICARE.  Over half of all birth centers are staffed by CPMs.  When CPMs and CMs are added as covered providers,  will double the access to birth centers and birth center care for our active duty and spouses of TRICARE beneficiaries.

Please urge your Representative to sign on as a co-sponsor to Midwives for Service Members, HR 9335.

ACT NOW to support the Midwives for Service Members Act