AABC: America's most comprehensive birth center resource

AABC HealthShare

AABC HealthShare Works is a possible solution for the many birth centers who seek far lower cost and much better medical care for themselves and/or their employees and providers.

AABC members have found it to be a workable, affordable solution that tames the monster of high medical costs.

HealthShare Works offers:

  • Savings up to 60% compared to health insurance plans
  • Open enrollment all year
  • Plans for individuals and families
  • Part-time employees and consultants welcome
  • Preventive care included
  • Select your own providers and facilities - including midwives, nurse-practitioners, and birth centers

For more information, please review the embedded website. Use the buttons below to either enroll or set up a call to discuss your particular situation with AABC's HealthShare Works representative Craig Miller (800-987-5009).