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AABC D+I Scholarship Fund Donation

Pay it forward with a donation to the AABC D+I Scholarship Fund.

AABC seeks to expand access and lower barriers to entry through D+I scholarships for the AABC Birth Institute, How to Start a Birth Center workshops and Community Birth Assistant Training.  AABC understands the importance of increasing access to birth center care for all families and increasing access to education for all providers. Racial health disparities in perinatal care are devastating many communities. We know it’s our responsibility to address this failure of the US healthcare system and the history of the birth center movement which has too often centered white, affluent, straight women.

Your tax-deductible gift will help us offer more scholarships to Members of the Global Majority*, LGBTQIA+ folks, and people with disabilities.

We have suggested a donation amount of $100.  Feel free to edit this amount to match your giving ability.

* The Global Majority includes Asian American (or of Asian descent) or Pacific Islander, Black or of African descent (African American, Afro-Caribbean, etc.), Indigenous to Americas (Alaskan Native, American Indian, Native American), Latinx or Hispanic, Southwest Asian or Northern African, or a person who is of multiple races)