Take a Leadership Role in AABC
The AABC Nominating Committee seeks dedicated members who are passionate about the AABC mission, core values, and the families we serve.
We aim to assemble a diverse group of candidates with a range of skills and professional backgrounds, including administrators, providers, and individuals working in freestanding birth centers, alongside midwifery units, or supporting midwifery care in non-clinical settings.
This year we will be electing candidates for the following positions:
- Director (4) helps in general governance, sets goals and makes strategic plans for the organization (3-year term) - view position description
- Alternate Director (1) serves a 1-year term or fulfills the term left in a Board vacancy - view position description
AABC thrives on the diversity and creativity of its members. Our organization is strongest when every voice is heard.
We’re seeking dedicated, responsible, and collaborative individuals who enjoy working in a supportive team environment. Does this sound like you or someone you know? Are you passionate about AABC’s mission or have ideas to enhance support for our members and birthing families?
If so, we encourage you to nominate yourself or someone who embodies these qualities.