AABC Reaffirms Mission and Core Values in Response Federal Initiatives
Given the recent presidential executive orders and proposed federal legislation and their impact on access to care for childbearing families, the American Association of Birth Centers reaffirms our mission, vision, and core values.
Mission: AABC promotes and supports freestanding birth centers and alongside midwifery units in all communities to achieve a high-value model of evidence-based care that is equitable, safe, and respectful.
Vision: Midwifery-led birth center model of care with cultural humility that is accessible to all communities.
Core Values
Anti-Racism - We commit to dismantling structural racism and white supremacy that plague our healthcare system while striving for equity.
Cultural Humility - We affirm the value inherent in all people inclusive of their religion, gender, sexual identity, and cultural identity.
Inclusiveness - We hold space for the intersectionality of our members, consumers, and other collaborators.
Research - We produce and promote ongoing research to uphold evidence-based care through contributions and access to the national AABC Perinatal Data Registry ™.
Standards - We foster excellence through the development and maintenance of evidence-based standards for the birth center model of care.
Education - We develop and provide educational offerings and programs related to the birth center model of care.
Advocacy - We strategically champion and inform relevant policy issues at the national, state and local levels.
Community - We provide a supportive and respectful space for networking, across midwifery credentials, personnel, and birth center models.
We support and encourage federal and state initiatives that increase access to midwifery and birth center care for all communities, including rural, low-resource, maternity care deserts and populations that have been minoritized.