LCBCS Office Hours - JULY 2024

Check-in with LCBCS Faculty for a Q+A session

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (EDT)
Join LCBCS Office Hours

You have attended the Learning Collaborative for Birth Center Sustainability (LCBCS) class. Now, join us for an office hours session to check-in with other participants and faculty. Bring your challenges and successes to this Q+A session.

Registration is free and open to all who have attended a Learning Collaborative for Birth Center Sustainability class.

LCBCS Leader

Rebeckah Orton, BS, RN
Rebeckah Orton, BS, RN

Rebeckah is the owner and director of Astoria Birth Center & Family Medicine, which opened three years ago. She has spent the last seven years in advocacy for birthing people and birth professionals in the state of Oregon has been involved in birth work for fourteen years in a variety of roles. Rebeckah gained a strong background in research through her degree in Biology and during her time working with world infectious disease leaders while managing a parasitology lab at Harvard School of Public Health. She has used this background to present compelling, data-driven arguments in favor of the sustainability of midwifery and birth centers to insurers, legislators, and policymakers on the state and national level.

You must have attended a Learning Collaborative class to register for this session. 

Learn more about the Learning Collaborative for Birth Center Sustainability

For More Information:

American Association Of Birth Centers Logo 3123 Gottschall Road
Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania 18074
United States